The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), Common Language Runtime (CLR), assemblies, class libraries, and application models make up the .NET Framework. It was created by Microsoft and originally made available in 2002. In particular, it supports C#, VB, J#, etc. Managed code is the term used to describe code created with the.net framework. If you want to know What are the uses of Dot Net Frameworks? FITA Academy offers the best Dot Net Course in Chennai with placement assistance.
Microsoft has made available a number of additional implementations or frameworks for the development of apps, including .NET Microframework and .NET Core.
Some of the main uses are explained in detail are as follows:
The software architecture of .Net is multi-tiered. It makes it possible to separate the functions of data administration, application processing, and presentation. It is employed to create adaptable apps. The ability to add or update layers without affecting the functionality of the overall application is another benefit.
The flexibility of.net apps facilitates the creation of gaming applications. Games are built better and last longer because to the .net framework’s responsiveness and improved speed.
It is quite beneficial for creating websites and web applications. The majority of applications created nowadays are simple to use and function better on a PC, laptop, or mobile device. Making an executable application that works across several platforms is beneficial. FITA Academy is the best institution with experts to teach and learn in Dot Net Online Training.
Applications on the Web have great characteristics that make it easier for programmers or developers to build applications that work across all platforms. Desktop application development also uses it. This is the primary reason why many businesses like working with .net.
One of.net’s advantages is that it offers managed code, which effectively means that any code generated by developers or programmers is managed code. Unmanaged code is.net framework-based code that is written externally. Both writing and maintaining .NET code is simple. One of the best uses of .net is the combination of source code and HTML, which makes programming simpler.
.Net applications improve the performance of any application that is created. It aids in the saving of time and effort. It has a feature where code can be reused and the same code does not have to be rewritten, which saves time and helps to make the application compact or lighter, which improves performance and ease of use and testing for testers.
Monitoring and rich features
.NET is also popular due to its automatic tracking and other useful features. The Dot Net framework will run a regular check to look for issues such as memory leaks, infinite loops, and so on. It also helps to nuke these issues and restart the system.
Many features used to develop .net applications are only available through the .net framework. A toolbox, for example, allows you to drag and drop an element into your .net application. Join Dot Net Course in Coimbatore to learn about Dot Net tools.