What Are The Different Data Sources In Data Science?

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Data collection is the process of collecting, gathering, and storing large amounts of data that can be organized, including text, video, audio, records, or other picture files used in the following stages of data analysis. Data collecting begins with asking what type of data is to be collected and where the data will be collected. From this blog, we will gain knowledge about the different sources in data Science. By enrolling in a Data Science Course in Chennai, you can improve your data skills with our trainers.

Different Data Sources

The actual data can be further classified into two types:

Primary Data

Secondary Data

Primary Data

Primary data is defined as data that is raw, original, and derived straight from official sources. The data gathered must be acquired according to the target audience’s wants and needs on which the analysis is performed.

Here are a few approaches for gathering primary data:

  • Interview Method

The data gathered during this procedure is obtained by interviewing the target audience by an interviewer, and the person who responds to the interview is known as the interviewee.

  • Survey Method

The survey method is a research process in which a list of relevant questions is asked, and answers are recorded in text, audio, or video. Best Online Data Science Courses will guide the survey method.

  • Observation Method

The observation method is a data-gathering approach in which the researcher closely observes the behaviour and practices of the target audience using some data collection technology and stores the observed data in the form of text, audio, video, or any raw formats.

  • Experimental Method

The experimental method is gathering information through experiments, inquiry, and investigation. CRD, RBD, LSD, and FD are the most commonly utilized experiment methods. 

Secondary Data

Secondary data is information already obtained and employed for another purpose. This form of data was previously recorded from primary data, and it has two sources: internal and external.

  • Internal Source

Such types of data, like market records, sales records, transactions, customer data, accounting resources, and so on, are easily accessible within the organization. Internal sources are less expensive and take less time to obtain.

  • External Source

External source data is information that cannot be discovered within an organization but can be obtained from a third party. Because this comprises a large volume of data, the cost and time consumption are higher.

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