Trending Tools in AngularJS

Angularjs Training in Chennai

AngularJS is a popular framework which helps to build mobile and web application. Here is the list of trending AngularJS Tools.

  1. Karma

Karma is the testing tool which was developed by AngularJS team. It helps to test the app on browsers.

  1. Jasmine

This type of testing doesn’t rely on DOM and browsers. It is suited for different type of node.js projects.

  1. Protractor

It is built on top WebDriverJS and it is tested on a real browser. We can simply say it is considered as end-to-end framework test.

  1. io

A user can apply directly to any element and it requires only text inputs.

  1. Djangular

Djangular is a reusable app and it helps to integrate the app with AngularJS framework. With this, an individual can create the application with additional features.

  1. AngularFire

Create a backend tool for an Angular app with this tool. It is flexible for 3-way data binding and Application Program Interface.

  1. Angular Kickstart

This tool helps to speed up your app development process. Learn and build your very first web application with the support of AngularJS Training in Chennai. Experts guide the candidates with on-going projects. Use this opportunity and make your career in web development field.

  1. Sublime Text

It is the best choice to create and edit the code. Developers usually prefer this tool to test the code.

  1. NG-Inspector

People can add this extension for Safari and Chrome, it helps to debug and develop the AngularJS applications. With this, an individual can easily identify the scope using Directives and Controllers.

  1. Mean

It is a simple boilerplate which helps to create Express, Node.js and MongoDB.

  1. AngularJS UI

It comes with utility directives and the programmer can build the applications faster. This tool uses raw directives such as ui-map, ui-calendar and much more.

  1. GetText

Developers mostly prefer tool for the translation process. Without knowledge, it is difficult to build the application with advanced features. Learn more and create more, every day the programmers are creating the one it helps for all. Learn the new tricks on web development via AngularJS course in Chennai. Specialist guidance will be helpful for all.

  1. Webstorm

This tool helps to write the code shortly. It gives assistance for codes, use the tool and improve your performance.

  1. Code Orchestra

This tool allows you to write the code in a short way. At the same time, it also helps to modify the code automatically.

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